I've been busy for the last few weeks and I still am :) So just a quick post for anyone who has a minute of spare time:
Please vote for our video! It's for a song "Punca" from a Slovenian musician Jan Plestenjak. Here is how you do it / Glasujete takole:
Click here / Pojdite na ta link: http://www.siol.net/trendi/nagradni_natecaj/glasujte_za_videospot/2011/03/glasovanje%20za%20videospote.aspx
The link will open a list of all videos, our is on the second half.
Odpre se vam cel seznam sodelujočih videospotov, naš pa se nahaja v spodnji polovici.
Our video is circled in red and there's an arrow pointing to circle, that you have to click in. Then you go down to the end of the list and click "pošlji"./Pri našem spotu (ki je obkrožen z rdečo) puščica kaže na okrogel gumbek. S pritiskom na ta gumbek ter spodnjim gumbom (tudi označen z rdečo) "Pošlji" pa svoj glas tudi oddate.
You can vote every 15 minutes!Glasujete lahko na vsakih 15 minut!
Thank you!Najlepša hvala vsem!